
Ready to enroll?
We hope to meet you soon

Thank you for your interest at Kiddies Kingdom. Your child’s education is our passion, and we’re honored to embark on this enriching journey together.

The process


Take a tour

Discover our educational haven by scheduling a tour and witness the vibrant learning environment at Kiddies Kingdom.


Submit application

Secure your child's place in our nurturing community by effortlessly submitting your application online at Kiddies Kingdom.


Meet and greet

Engage in a friendly meet-and-greet to discover the welcoming atmosphere awaiting you and your child at Kiddies Kingdom.


Secure a spot

Ensure your child's place by swiftly securing a spot in our enriching learning community at Kiddies Kingdom.

Required enrollment documents

To complete your child’s enrollment, please prepare the following documents: a completed application form, birth certificate, immunization records, proof of address, and any relevant academic records or assessments. fermentum nunc.